At one point or another during the time you write applications with ActionScript 3 you will have to send parameters from to an event handler. By default you can’t send information unless you use the DataEvent, but that only allows you to send a string. That is OK if that is all you need to send but how about multiple parameters? How about an object or references?
In the example below we create a square on the stage that then will dispatch a custom event with 3 parameters (two strings and one number).
[as]package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import event.CustomEvent;
public class App extends Sprite
var square : Sprite ;
public function App()
init ( ) ;
private function init ( ) : void
//add the event listener to the Document class.
customEventHandler ) ;
// Draw a square on stage and add a mouseEvent
// that then will dispatch a custom event
square = drawSquare();
square.buttonMode = true;
square.addEventListener (
MouseEvent.CLICK,dispatchCustomEvent ) ;
private function dispatchCustomEvent ( e : Event ) : void
dispatchEvent ( new CustomEvent (
CustomEvent.MOUSE_CLICK ,
3 ) ) ;
private function customEventHandler ( e :CustomEvent )
trace( “Param 1: ” + e.param1 ) ;
trace( “Param 1: ” + e.param2 ) ;
trace( “Param 1: ” + e.param3 ) ;
private function drawSquare ( ) : Sprite
var square:Sprite = new Sprite();;, 100, 100, 100);;
return square as Sprite;
Custom Class
[as]package event
public class CustomEvent extends Event
public static const MOUSE_CLICK : String = “mouseClick”;
public var param1 : String ;
public var param2 : String ;
public var param3 : int ;
public function CustomEvent(
type : String,
param1 : String,
param2 : String,
param3 : int,
bubbles:Boolean = false,
cancelable:Boolean = false )
super ( type, bubbles, cancelable ) ;
this.param1 = param1;
this.param2 = param2;
this.param3 = param3;
override public function clone( ): Event
return new CustomEvent( type, param1, param2, param3,
bubbles, cancelable );
thank you! this was exactly what I wanted. I very much appreciate you taking the time to write this up!
I read the documentation about extending the event class and it says that “when creating an Event subclass you must override the clone() and toString() methods to provide functionality specific to the subclass.”.
I see you override the clone() method but not the toString() method. Isn’t this an issue ?