Project 10th to the 100th from Google

Last fall Google launched project 10^100 where they requested ideas from the public to make them reality… well not all of them, after the ideas were submitted they selected the top 16 ideas they liked and now they are asking the public to select the final 5 ideas that they are going to help be a reality.

My favorite idea:

Create genocide monitoring and alert system:

Build and refine tools capable of disseminating genocide-related mapping and related information in order to save lives. Much of the necessary technology and data-gathering methodology already exists both for general crisis mapping and for early warning systems capable of preventing mass atrocities. A key remaining step is to make this data more widely available to strengthen international aid agency coordination, improve resource allocation, develop timely policy and help evaluate current humanitarian practices.

I believe having a service such as this will help all of us the severity of the problem. Because we sit at our desks for 8 hours a day and then relax at home it is easy to forget that issues as genocide exist and what a better way to use Technology to do so. Twitter anyone?

It will be interesting to see how far these ideas will go and which will become a reality.

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