[kml_flashembed movie=”/labs/swf/iHold.swf” height=”150″ width=”450″ quality=”best” fvars=”fs=/imgs/adobe/flashplayer10.jpg” /]
The name is out! Emmy Huang, product manager for Adobe Flash Player released the code name for the Flash Player 10 “Astro” and for those lucky ones that will be able to make it to MAX this year they will be able to see what “Astro” can do first hand.
Adobe hasn’t released any more information in the subject, and mostly because I believe they want to push their conference and as today it is sold out. I am sure there will be videos and presentations out of the conference so we will be able to what all the fuzz is about but never like being there while the information is being released first hand, There are already wish lists spawning in different blogs asking for different items to be integrated with the player and the main wish that I see being requested is more hardware support.
I’m one of the unlucky ones that won’t be able to make it to the conference 🙁 but I can’t wait to see what else Adobe has under their belt.