Codes below for quick reference:
All seven permissions are listed below, with their numeric values on the left.
1. –x
2. -w-
3. -wx
4. r–
5. r-x
6. rw-
7. rwx
Common combinations in use on web servers are as follows:
644 = rw-r–r– Usual permissions for reading an HTML web page or Read-only text files.
664 = rw-rw-r– Used in most plain text hit-counter logs (writable = on)
666 = rw-rw-rw- Used in scripts that require World writable permission.
711 = rwx–x–x Used by Perl scripts to make them executable only upon access.
751 = rwxr-x–x Used by Perl scripts that must be written to and executed (hit counters).
755 = rwxr-xr-x Used by some Perl-scripts and binary database files.
775 = rwxrwxr-x Normal permission for your website’s Root directory
777 = rwxrwxrwx The whole ball of wax. You better have tight security on any file marked with these permissions. 777 is usually only assigned to a CGI Directory, rather than to an individual file.