On Line Guitar Diccionary

I havent look around the whole site, but I read somewhere else it is supposed to be good. soo…..Clicky

Do not panic

im still getting AOL (i know) :o( I should be up and running next Tuesday the March the 4th, Sooo do not panic, everything should be fine. yahooooOOOoo, I mean AOOooooOOOOL


I didnt get Road Runner!! WHAAAAAAA :o(

Cat Enthusiasts

This site is funny cat’s site

Busy Day

Busy busy day, working on website TBE. Neways tomorrow is THE MEXICAN SUPPER at 4 pm. i will be there around 5 if anyone is interested in some authographs or book signing. :oP

ATF Saturday

I just got back from attending my first ATF Saturday from Syracuse. There my life was changed forever. There I learned so much that I never understood and on Friday I rededicated my life to the Lord. Then on Saturday it was put on my heart to go on a missions trip and so I […]


I deleted my last blog, so i had to rebuild the whole thing!!!!!!!!!!! start from scratch :o(