Creating HTML Links

This Tutorial goes to GlowintheDark, his question was:

u know like on a web site how can i link another website so when they click it automaticaly takes them there?

this is really easy all you have to use is the <a> </a> tag. Let me give you
an example so you can understand it better.

<a href=""> Click Here to go to Google </a>

Ok, lets go step by step:


what ever is inside the quotes will be the link you want to go to


What ever you put between the <a></a> tags is what is going to be visible
to the user. So if we place the sample above as code this is what it would
look like:

Click Here to go to Google

One more recomendation. You want to add the "target" parameter inside your
links. that way you will ensure the person links inside your page or goes outside
your page.

You have 4 choises

_blank = this will make sure your link opens in a new browser window (great
when you want the user to go to a link but your website will remain in the
_parent = this will make sure your link opens in the parent window
_self = this will make sure your link opens in the same page you are at (once
the user clicks on the link if it does not belong to your site they are gone)
_top= this will make sure your link opens in the top window (great when you
are inside frames)

it looks like this:

<a href="" target="_blank" > Click
Here to go to Google </a>

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