Led by “The Father of AJAX” himself, the charismatic Jesse James Garrett of Adaptive Path, “Real-World AJAX” has one overriding organizing principle: its aim is to make sure that delegates fortunate enough to secure themselves a place -before all seats are sold out- will leave the seminar with a sufficient grasp of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML to enable them to build their first AJAX application on their own when they get back to their office.
As if the participation in this content-rich day of the man who first coined “AJAX” weren’t enough, “Real-World AJAX” also offers insights from:
* Satish Dharmaraj, A Father of JSP, Co-Founder & CEO, Zimbra
* David Heinemeier Hansson, The Creator of Rails
Hansson will give a unique never-heard-before session on “AJAX on Rails” – and these two pioneers, Hansson and Dharmaraj, will be complemented by hands-on teaching from
* Bill Scott, AJAX Evangelist of Yahoo!
* Christian Cantrell, AJAX-Flash Integration Guru, Adobe
* Rob Gonda, Bestselling AJAX Author & CTO of iChameleon Group
* Ross Dargahi, Well-known AJAX Evangelist & Co-founder of Zimbra
* Dave Crane, Bestselling AJAX book author on “AJAX Power Panel”
* Dion Hinchcliffe, Well-known Web 2.0 Blogger on “AJAX Power Panel”
and a total of 15 distinguished speakers and panelists, presenting 11 sessions on Monday, March 13, 2006 in New York City. With this introduction, we welcome you to “Real-World AJAX” one-day seminar.